2019 has been great to our cause here at Safe Ride, it truly has.
Between our newly upgraded app, our new programs, new volunteers, etc… we can’t thank this community enough for it’s support as we continue to drive the point home in Frederick County (puns intended).

With that, comes not one, but two fantastic announcements that you’ll all be happy to hear.

10,000 DUI’s Prevented!

It all started with 4 drivers and two Saturn Ions (and they don’t even make that car anymore).

We’re proud to announce that SOS Safe Ride has now administered it’s 10,000th ride home in Frederick County.  With your help and support, we’ve now prevented over 10,000 DUI’s since our program’s inception, and saved countless lives in the process. A true milestone for our organization, and a big achievement for drunk driving prevention.

50,000 Miles Traveled!

You may not realize this, but Frederick County is a HUGE county, it’s the largest in Maryland as a matter of fact.

We calculate the mileage for each ride we do, and as of June 2019, our drivers have now traveled over 50,000 combined miles while giving rides home.  That’s like driving around the entire globe….TWICE!

We say this all the time, because we mean it.
We owe this, all of it…to you guys.

We can’t fight this without you, we thank you for your support, and we truly love every last one of you.

Thank you so very much Frederick, and let’s continue on the road to our ultimate goal:  ZERO drunk driving arrests in Frederick County!
-The Safe Ride Foundation