Our Mission

“Go into the world and do well, but more importantly, go into the world and do good.  Create a change, and moreover, become the change.”

We fight every night, for Frederick!

The Safe Ride Foundation is Frederick County Maryland’s only 501(c)3 nonprofit organization taking a stance against driving while intoxicated. Creators of the SOS Safe Ride Program, we implement and replicate programs that will not only provide our public with education on the dangers of intoxicated driving, but also provide a reliable alternative to those dangers, and a haven of support for victims as well as the families of victims.

Founded in 2015 by Frederick native Wayne Dorsey, The Foundation has been conducting its programs for several years, directly fighting the ever-going drunk driving epidemic in our area.

At the Safe Ride Foundation, we are adults who like to have a great time out, just like you!

As an organization, we’re in the camp that the consumption of alcohol is both normal and acceptable in today’s society; and with Frederick County’s booming craft brewing/distilling industry growing every year, we understand that Frederick County tends to enjoy its nightlife!

That said, do we encourage regularly drinking to excess?

No, we do not… but it does happen to all of us from time to time, not every night goes perfectly, and we are all human.

If you enjoy a drink on the weekends, that’s completely fine in our eyes; but here’s what isn’t, driving a motor vehicle after that night is over.

Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

At the Safe Ride Foundation, we are adults who like to have a great time out, just like you!

As an organization, we’re in the camp that the consumption of alcohol is both normal and acceptable in today’s society; and with Frederick County’s booming craft brewing/distilling industry growing every year, we understand that Frederick County tends to enjoy its nightlife!

That said, do we encourage regularly drinking to excess?

No, we do not… but it does happen to all of us from time to time, not every night goes perfectly, and we are all human.

If you enjoy a drink on the weekends, that’s completely fine in our eyes; but here’s what isn’t, driving a motor vehicle after that night is over.

Here are the Facts

  • U.S. Law Enforcement, specifically in the state of Maryland is working towards a Zero Tolerance policy of alcoholic driving.
  • Almost Half of all drivers killed in crashes tested positive for alcohol in their system.
  • Over 1.2 Million drivers were arrested in 2014 for driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • Males are 8% more likely to drive drunk than Females.
  • DUI Conviction can lead to many detrimental consequences including: $5,000-$10,000 in legal fees, Loss of License, Mandatory AA Meetings, Jail Time, Increased Insurance Premiums, Etc.
  • Drunk Driving is 6 times more likely at night than it is during the day.

What We Stand For

  We believe that every organization must define four things for itself and others in order to truly be successful:  its Mission, its Dream, its Vision, and its Purpose.  Below we have outlined each of these, in an attempt for the public to truly understand what we’re aiming to accomplish with The Safe Ride Foundation.


Our Mission

To implement and replicate programs that will provide our public with the education on the dangers of drunk driving, a faithful and reliable alternative to those dangers, and a haven of support for victims as well as the families of victims.

Our Dream

To shift the drinking culture in our area and parts beyond to reflect a higher sense of accountability and responsibility as it pertains to driving while intoxicated.

Our Vision

To effectively create the “Uber” of designated driving with a charitable infrastructure.

Our Purpose

To ensure that every single intoxicated bar patron in our area arrives home safely, and not behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Why SOS Safe Ride is Here

The typical outgoing bar visitor has different options on how to get themselves home at the end of the night. Unfortunately,  public transportation options at that time of the evening are very limited.  Taxi-like services, while available, miss a very important piece of the puzzle, the intoxicated person’s vehicle.  Almost half of all drunk driving offenders cite the reason for their offense as:

“I needed my car the next morning, I only had a few”

At the Safe Ride Foundation, we say:
“Well if that’s your (bad) excuse, then watch what this community can do…”

With SOS Safe Ride, we provide you with the assurance of knowing that you, your friends, and yes, your vehicle will get home safely.  

Our goal is to create a Frederick County culture where there is no excuse to drink and drive.  There already isn’t an excuse,  but with SOS Safe Ride being around…now, you can’t even think of one.

We’re an awesome, personable team here at the Safe Ride Foundation; and we want to remind Frederick County and parts beyond how much we appreciate the satisfaction that comes with potentially saving a life and moreover the lives of innocent pedestrians.  We’re happy that our work has been so welcomed into the community, and with the help of our board members, our partners, the local law enforcement, and of course our drivers…. we hope that we can be an incredible influence & asset to Frederick County, and put an end to impaired driving once and for all.

With Love,
-The Safe Ride Foundation Family